Manufacturing Facility

We have our own manufacturing facility having capacity to process approx 200 MT of raw herb per month that yields approx 11 MT per month of final product . This facility is exclusively dedicated for the product which help us to ease the operations and reduce the risk of cross-contamination. Our team of staff is fully expertise and aware about their job functions that help them to work according to the vision of company. All measures of protection subjected to hygiene and cleanness at different levels of processing have been taken by our staff taking care about aa possibilities of cross contamination. All the activities have been governed according to approved standard operating procedures which help us to minimize the risk of deviations from critical parameters. Every batch processed as per approved master formula and critical data of batch processing shall be recorded in controlled Batch manufacturing Records.
Quality Management

Company has developed a strong framework for quality management system based on ISO 9001:2015 in a form of quality Manual and Standard Operating Procedures.
We have a team of experienced professionals in quality control and quality assurance department who monitors the quality of product at every stage of processing. Our zero tolerance policies towards quality of product help us to build a strong quality management system. A well equipped laboratory, with modern analytical equipments like HPLC, GC & UV is there to facilitate analysis of RM, PM, Intermediate and finish goods with respect to pharmacopieal standards .
A separate microbiological laboratory is also there to support microbiological quality control functions.
A written approved specification and test procedures based on current pharmacopieal standards are there for support of analysis of product as per pharmacopieal standards.
A strong quality management framework has been developed by our quality assurance team in a form of quality manual based on requirements of ISO 9001:2015.
Our team of quality management consists of experienced professionals with pharmaceutical backgrounds who look after the development of management procedures , ongoing deviations from procedures and procedural changes, any associated risk also been been evaluated and reviewed annually .All the system have been audited on annual basis for the review of effectiveness our quality management system. Observed gaps and deviations have been fully discussed during management meeting reviews and filled in stipulated time frame.
Every finished good batch is final released by QA after satisfactory review of Batch records.
Procurement System

In the traditional & modern routine of medicines Senna products have been used as proven laxatives in a natural way. Senna plant, whose botanical name is Cassia Angustifolia, is a native of Africa and Arabia. However, it has been successfully grown in various states of India, viz Rajasthan, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu since a long time. We have a strict procurement system and policies related to vendor management for purchase of Raw & Packing packing materials .Material has been procured from approved vendors only. These approved vendors have been evaluated for performance annually by our quality team. A written policy for vendor audit management is there for evaluation of vendors with aspects of good agricultural & cultivation practices, Good manufacturing practices and other related regulatory norms. Critical Parameters like pesticide, aflotoxins, foreign matter etc have also been and Senna leaves and pods have been procured only from pre-approved vendors to make sure that the material is free from pesticides and is never contaminated with any other herb/foreign matter at any stage of during cultivation/storage.